How to Use Whey Protein for Weight Loss

Published on July 12, 2021

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In this short video, you will learn exactly how to use whey protein for weight loss and better health!

Men and women can both use whey protein shakes to lose weight, find out how!

A lot of people think whey protein is only for bodybuilders, bros, and super jacked stick figures like myself.

Not true.

Whey protein is actually a tremendous tool for those of you looking to lose weight.

That’s why today, I am going to show you exactly how to use whey protein for weight loss.

Here are the 7 best tips and steps for beginners.

  1. Understand what whey protein actually is.

Whey is the liquid part of milk that gets separated when cheese is made.

If you’ve ever opened a yogurt container and have seen a watery substance at the top, this is whey protein.

This liquid substance is what is turned into powder form to create whey protein.

Just in case you’re wondering, this process also cuts out the 95% of the lactose so if you’re allergic to dairy, you really have nothing to fear.

  1. Understand the different types of whey protein powder.

There are three main forms of protein powder: whey concentrate, isolate, and hydrolestate.

Concentrate is about 70-80% protein with some milk sugar and fat.

Isolate is 90% protein and has a little less sugar and fat.

Hydrolysate is also known as hydrolyzed whey, has virtually 0 sugar and fat, and is mixed with enzymes for the faster digestion into the blood stream.

So, you may be wondering, does the type of protein matter?

Not really.

The minute differences between to two are not enough that it should cause you any stress or concern.

Leave that sort of worrying for your overall diet and exercise routine.

For what it’s worth, most of the studies are done using whey isolate and it’s what I use as well.

  1. Understand why protein works so well for weight loss

There are 3 reasons are particularly compelling…

#1. It will keep you full. Protein can cut down sugar cravings by as much as 60%.
#2. It’s easy. As long as you have a blender bottle on hand, all you need to do is add water. Which is great to have on the go or at work where eating healthy is more difficult.
#3. It preserves lean muscle tissue when dropping weight. This ensures that when you do lose weight the majority of it is fat.

We talk a lot about protein on this channel and this is just the short list of reasons why.

  1. Whey protein has lots of other proven health benefits, which helps the body function better and makes weight loss easier.

Things like:

Improves muscle performance
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces symptoms of stress
Helps you get in more water naturally
And contains a small amount of antioxidants.

Are additional reasons why whey protein is important and helpful for weight loss.

  1. What are the best times to take whey protein?

In order of importance.

Take 30 minutes before or after your workouts. This has been shown to help with muscle development and recovery after a workout.

Take 30 minutes before meals or dinning out. This will help you keep you from binge eating and give you more control over what you eat when out with friends or family members.

Finally, you can use it as a healthy snack. Whenever my chocolate cravings hit mid day, I use it to get in my chocolate fix without all the sugar.

  1. What should you mix it with?

Water or unsweetened nut milks like cashew, almond, and coconut work best. Try to avoid using milk as it has a good amount of sugar.

Other great places to use protein is in oatmeal, Greek yogurt, and smoothies for a flavor boost.

This really adds a great taste to the otherwise bland healthy foods.

  1. How much should you get in?

Best Brands:

The best brand of whey protein that we like is ISO 100 Hydrolized by Dymatize, and it can be found here:

Need a vegetarian/vegan option? The best brand of non-whey that we like is Vega Sport Performance, and it can be found here:

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How To Get A Ripped 6 Pack – Diet Plan And Exercise Tips

Some individuals likewise use protein shakes to replace a higher-calorie meal when dieting. Exercising while on an empty stomach will leave your workout slow. And too much protein can be rather harmful to your kidneys.

How to Use Whey Protein for Weight Loss

Significance Of Weight-Lifting And Diet

The body might feel energized and toned, however clothes might still be too tight. When you workout, make sure to follow the specific guidance of Tony and do not compete with each other.

Those who are worried about constructing their muscles understand the importance of protein shakes. One can find a number of shakes in the market. They might be in powder or liquid kind. But these shakes are horrible in some cases. Yet, we drink for the sake of consuming them to develop our muscles.

Due to the fact that muscle mass assists to keep our metabolic process, it is Protien Shakes crucial to keep muscle mass. The greater our metabolic process, the more fat we burn. The lower our metabolic process, the more fat we save in our body.

Alcohol is generally the byproducts of rotting or fermented plants. Simply as the food market has put chemicals in our foods, the alcohol market has done the very same thing. But when you get down to it, alcohol is alcohol. Whether it’s pure or not, you are going to have much of the very same attributes. Alcohol has about 7 calories per gram. So, a 12 oz. glass of beer is about 150 calories. It’s a little less for white wine or a shot. The problem is that there is absolutely no dietary worth in these calories at all. And, let’s face it, very few individuals go out on a Saturday night and have just one beer. The brief answer is that if you are trying to change your body, then alcohol should be prevented. This is not to say that you can’t have a beverage, however the effect of alcohol can reveal in your results.

Meal alternatives – Take in a minimum of one meal a day to stabilize the dietary worth and curb appetite pangs. Exchange them for the meal consisting of most quantities of calories. For instance, if regular lunch includes hamburger and a soda or dinner includes pasta then replace it with these Workout Shakes to minimize the calorie consumption. Likewise, if snacking indicates a muffin or donuts, then meal replacement shake are much better alternatives for snacking. Beware to avoid overindulging.

Fitness Drink and conditioning of muscle can be accomplished in various ways. We can work out, lift weights, eat healthy foods and take vitamins in addition to beverage protein shakes for nutrition. Your muscles require nutrition to grow and stay healthy. All the exercise on the planet indicates nothing if your not feeding your muscles the ideal nutrition.

To simplify matters for you, if your body weight is 180 pounds, you must drink 180 grams of protein shake. If you drink more than this you will not always construct more muscle; what will happen is that the muscle tears that typically result after a workout will recover at a faster rate.

Protein shakes are not essential for constructing muscle mass. In many ways taking it out of your diet plan will benefit your muscle gains greatly. You won’t count on it and end up being lazy. You will rather eat far more healthy protein, that your body desires, as this is the natural way of building substantial quantities of muscle.

Without integrating these 3 factors there’s no chance we can measure up to our capacity. Whey protein shakes are widely utilized in the kind of shakes meant for weight loss. Here is how you can re-fuel yourself every workout.

This is not to say that you can’t have a beverage, however the effect of alcohol can reveal in your results. After training, it is great to eat 30 minutes or an hour after. To put it simply, it works for some, however not for others. – How to Use Whey Protein for Weight Loss

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