Published on February 25, 2024

Search Latest Videos Explaining Protein Drinks, Fitness Workout, Whey Proteins, and Is Whey Isolate Protein Powder Bad for You, Is Whey Protein REALLY Safe? How It AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH!.

Animation by Health chronicle explaining why whey is not as healthy as we think for muscle gain or as the latest trend says – for weight loss.

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Why Having Whey Protein is Not as Healthy as You Think

Whey is all the rage lately for body builders, and just regular folks who want to add more protein to their diets, but is whey as awesome as it is made out to be?

For men and women who stay physically active, it might seem incomprehensible that whey protein isn’t the greatest thing since sliced bread. By the way – how many bodybuilders does it take to change a lightbulb?

Nine. One to screw in the bulb and the other eight hold up the mirrors.

But seriously, aside from bulking up the aesthetic body, whey does some insidious things to the inside of us, and if we were to put our vanity aside and ask if whey was really good for our health the answer is a resounding – NOT SO MUCH!


  • Whey messes with your gut flora. Those billions of microbes who have taken up residence in your intestines aren’t so happy when they are doused with whey protein shakes. Many people experience gas, bloating, and digestion issues after drinking whey protein. This is usually a hint that your gut bacteria are not happy campers.
  • Who cares if your biceps are bulging if your face is covered in acne. Whey protein may increase the translocation of liposaccharide from the gut, which can lead to chronic inflammation and aggravation of acne vulgaris.
  • Whey is a highly processed milk protein which is not a naturally healthy food for our digestive systems, and can cause insulin spikes. We have evolved to eat foods with a low to moderate insulin response from foods like fruits and vegetables. These have a carbohydrate density of around 23%. Whey is considered a insulintrophic food because it can make our insulin levels soar – leading to diabetes and obesity among other diseases.

The next time you want to bulk up or just replace protein, try plant-based, real foods instead. Your gut, skin and blood sugar levels will thank you, and so might Mr. Universe.

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A study(link below) found that after ingestion of whey, white bread (the carb group), and glucose alone (reference), whey protein caused the biggest spike in insulin.
“Research shows that while whey protein causes an increase in serum levels of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, it also causes an increase in the hormone glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1).” -Source:
“These findings of this study was backed by further research, thus confirming that simply supplementing 100% whey protein causes significant insulin spikes” – Source:
Claessens, M., Saris, W. H. M., & Baak, M. a van. (2008). Glucagon and insulin responses after ingestion of different amounts of intact and hydrolysed proteins. The British journal of nutrition, 100(1), 61-9.
Here’s another study that shows the link between whey and insulin spikes among diabetes type 2 patients – – “The insulin responses were higher after both breakfast (31%) and lunch (57%) when whey was included in the meal than when whey was not included”

Please watch: “8 Antioxidant-Rich Fruits YOU Should Be Eating”


Protein After An Exercise, The Secret To An Excellent Workout

This makes them a significant part of and a vital ingredient for bodybuilding.
After being a health club member for a very long time, i have actually decided to use up house exercises rather.


Do You Need Protein Shakes?

This isolate supplement is studied as the very best and the healthiest weight loss program. Protein is a fantastic boost in weight-loss as exemplified by the many Atkins dieters out there.

Whey protein is a type of high quality protein that you can consume regularly to build muscle mass. This important muscle development protein is developed from milk extracts. It is normally available in powder type, so that you can blend with water or milk.

A lot of women before you have actually Protien Shakes been in this very same position.A great deal of women just offer up because they have actually invested so much money going after a better body and feel like they haven’t accomplished their objective. Along with balancing the rest of your life it can appear like you simply lose the energy to keep trying.

That’s the basics behind it. Pre and Post Exercise meals are of the kind of protein shakes. These shakes are usually a combination of protein powder, skim milk, fruit and oats.

Be sure not to consume your drink simply before your workout if you are working out during that day. Provide your body some time to break down and use the proteins. Consume your shake 3 to 4 hours prior to the real Workout Shakes if you need to drink.

Protein is the only macro nutrient your body can use to build muscle, so make it a big component in your post exercise meal. The best foods to eat for high protein material Fitness Drink are things like beef, chicken, eggs, milk, fish and whey.

Which results in the # 1 guideline for slim people who desire to get muscle mass. NEVER TRAIN HUNGRY! To do so implies you are an incredible dork. While working out. your muscles require energy and it is going to get it from somewhere. , if you do not have any shop of protein in your stomach.. your body is going to rob from Peter to pay Paul. that right. your body will metabolize it’s own muscles for the protein and calories to support your exercise! If you have NO POSSIBILITY of getting larger, it makes no sense to workout. right? RIGHT!

Make sure you supplement with whey protein right away after your exercise if you are looking to include some punch for your muscle building gains right after a workout. This is the best time for you to consume it (described as your anabolic window). You can even include protein shakes in your diet plan during the day in order to fulfill your protein consumption requirements. Whey protein is wheeey great!

In my younger days, I was a “Dew-a-holic”, and I happily confess! Your pre-workout muscle structure diet will not be providing you the results you desire. Pre and Post Workout meals are of the type of protein shakes.

It is crucial for your long term muscle structure crusade. Some workout strategies develop unexpected updates that will land you an incredible body ASAP. Enough protein is required for having larger muscles. – Is Whey Protein REALLY Safe? How It AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH!

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